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Ake Hernandez
Ake Hernandez

WX 950 Installation Manual.pdf

WX 950 Installation Manual.pdf

The WX 950 is a weather mapping sensor that displays lightning activity and storm cells on a CRT screen. It is designed to help pilots avoid hazardous weather and plan safer routes. The WX 950 installation manual is a PDF file that provides detailed instructions on how to install, operate, and maintain the WX 950 system. The installation manual can be downloaded from the official website of WX 950 or from other online sources . In this article, we will summarize the main contents of the installation manual and provide some tips on how to use it effectively.

Installation Manual Contents

The installation manual consists of four chapters and one appendix, as follows:

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  • Chapter 1: General Information. This chapter introduces the WX 950 system, its functional and physical description, its specifications and interface, the equipment required for installation, the installation approval process, and the warranty information.

  • Chapter 2: Installation. This chapter explains how to unpack and inspect the WX 950 components, how to perform a pre-installation test, how to select and install the antenna and the display/processor unit, how to fabricate and connect the cables, and how to perform a performance test.

  • Chapter 3: Installation Checkout. This chapter describes how to use the WX 950 controls, how to perform a post-installation checkout, and how to interpret the display modes and symbols.

  • Chapter 4: Maintenance. This chapter provides information on how to ensure the continued airworthiness of the WX 950 system, how to perform periodic maintenance, how to access the service menu, how to troubleshoot and isolate faults, how to replace fuses, and how to return the system to service.

  • Appendix A: Signal Characteristics. This appendix defines the electrical characteristics of all input and output signals of the WX 950 system.

Installation Manual Tips

The installation manual is intended for use by qualified personnel who are familiar with the aircraft and its electrical system. The installation manual is not a substitute for proper training and experience. The installation manual is also subject to change without notice, so it is advisable to check for the latest version before proceeding with any installation or maintenance work. Here are some tips on how to use the installation manual effectively:

  • Read the installation manual carefully before starting any work. The installation manual contains important safety precautions, warnings, cautions, and notes that must be followed to avoid damage or injury. The installation manual also provides step-by-step instructions and illustrations that must be followed exactly.

  • Use the table of contents and bookmarks to navigate the installation manual. The installation manual is organized into sections and subsections that can be easily accessed by using the table of contents or the bookmarks in the PDF reader. The bookmarks also show the page numbers and revision dates of each section.

  • Refer to the specifications and interface tables for compatibility information. The installation manual provides tables that list the specifications and interface requirements of the WX 950 system. These tables can help you determine if your aircraft and other avionics are compatible with the WX 950 system.

  • Use the troubleshooting and fault isolation procedures for problem-solving. The installation manual provides procedures for troubleshooting common problems and isolating faults in the WX 950 system. These procedures can help you identify and correct any issues that may arise during or after installation.

  • Contact Goodrich Avionics Systems for further assistance. If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions regarding the installation or operation of the WX 950 system, you can contact Goodrich Avionics Systems for technical support. The contact information is provided in the installation manual.

The WX 950 installation manual is a valuable resource for installing, operating, and maintaining the WX 950 system. By following the instructions and tips in this article, you can make the most of this document and enjoy the benefits of having a reliable weather mapping sensor in your aircraft.


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